A woman is sitting at a table with papers and talking on the phone.

Welcome to ÉSETE’s Bilingual Editing and Translation Blog

The bilingual editing and translation world, one post at a time.

El mundo de la edición bilingüe y traducción, una entrada a la vez.

The Bilingual Editing and Translation Blog by ÉSETE

Thanks for stopping by! Here in the Bilingual Editing and Translation Blog I will be writing about things to help make your manuscript the best it can be, as well as sharing translation stories.

¡Gracias por visitar mi blog! En mi blog bilingüe estaré escribiendo sobre cosas que ayudarán a que escribas tu mejor manuscrito posible, así como también compartiendo cuentos de traducción.


A black background with a white circle in the middle.

¿Por qué? Porque así es. He aquí el porqué.

Un error clásico del español escrito es la confusión entre el deletreo de “por qué”,...
A black background with a white circle in the middle.

Let those prepositions dangle!

With plenty of Christmas shopping to do, the post today will be short, but still...
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Forget the Filler to Improve Your Writing

Padding in your sofa is a good thing. It is a necessary thing because without...
A black background with a white circle in the middle.

Trim the Nonessential “Thats”

We editors are always trying to keep your manuscript as slim and trim as possible....
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¡Que viva la raya!

Durante el último siglo, ha habido una disminución constante en el uso del punto y...
A black background with a white circle in the middle.

The Versatile and Sexy Em Dash

Over the last century there has been a steady decline in the use of the...
A woman is pointing up to the side.

The Many-Splendored Reasons to Hire a Copy Editor

How wonderful it is! You just completed your article or book. You’ve read it, reread...
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Razones espléndidas para contratar a un corrector ortotipográfico

¡Qué maravilloso es! Acabas de completar tu artí­culo o libro. Lo has leí­do, releí­do y...