Posts by ÉSETE
¿Por qué? Porque así es. He aquí el porqué.
Un error clásico del español escrito es la confusión entre el deletreo de “por qué”, “porque” y “porqué”. A veces, cuando se debe escribir “por qué” (separado y con tilde en la “e”) se escribe “porque” (pegado y sin tilde), y viceversa. Y cuando se debe escribir “porqué” (una sola palabra con tilde), a veces…
Read MoreLet those prepositions dangle!
With plenty of Christmas shopping to do, the post today will be short, but still sweet. There has been a prevailing myth among English grammarians that prepositions should never be split from their objects, that it is always incorrect to end a sentence with a ”dangling“ preposition. I remember a graduate professor scolding me…
Read MoreForget the Filler to Improve Your Writing
Padding in your sofa is a good thing. It is a necessary thing because without it you do not have much of a sofa! The same does not go for writing. Good writers avoid using qualifiers in their writing. These words are known as “padding” or “filler words” and generally add little to your writing.…
Read MoreTrim the Nonessential “Thats”
We editors are always trying to keep your manuscript as slim and trim as possible. Another good way to trim the fat from your sentences is to make sure the word “that” is not being overused. When to Leave in “That” First, it is important to know when “that” is actually needed. This word frequently…
Read More¡Que viva la raya!
Durante el último siglo, ha habido una disminución constante en el uso del punto y coma. Algunos autores aclamados del siglo XX incluso han llegado a rechazarlos. A George Orwell no le agradaron. Donald Barthelme escribió que los puntos y comas son “tan feos como una garrapata en el vientre de un perro”. Fue la…
Read MoreThe Versatile and Sexy Em Dash
Over the last century there has been a steady decline in the use of the semicolon. Just go back to some of the classics and you’ll see how common having periods resting on commas used to be. Some acclaimed twentieth-century authors have even gone as far as rejecting semicolons. George Orwell didn’t like them. Donald…
Read MoreThe Many-Splendored Reasons to Hire a Copy Editor
How wonderful it is! You just completed your article or book. You’ve read it, reread and reread it again. But still, you’re not sure it’s quite right. There are words, phrases and sentences you’re not happy with, but you’re not sure how to fix them. This is when you need a professional editing service like…
Read MoreRazones espléndidas para contratar a un corrector ortotipográfico
¡Qué maravilloso es! Acabas de completar tu artículo o libro. Lo has leído, releído y releído de nuevo. Pero, todavía no estás seguro de que sea del todo correcto. Hay palabras y oraciones con las que no estás satisfecho, pero no estás seguro de cómo corregirlas. Ha llegado la hora cuando hace falta un servicio de edición…
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